All book reviews are my own opinion. My mama always said, "Maria Gail, if you don't have anything nice to say just put on your best sweet 'n low smile, say 'Bless your heart' and move on." In other words, mean people suck. So with that said, I will not review any book I do not like. Why? I hate negativity. Besides, just because I do not like something that a writer has put their time, sweat, and tears into doesn't mean someone else will feel the same. Gosh, being an individual thinker is nifty, huh?
Let's see, what else. Errrmmm . . . oh yeah. I review what I read. If the book came out twenty years ago and I think it's review-worthy, I'm going to review said twenty year old book. If the book came out yesterday and it was so awesome I couldn't put it down, I'm going to review that one, too.
Also, all books are bought with my own money unless they are a free download or ARC. In that case, I will let you know. I have a job, which (much to my husband's dismay) strictly supports my book habit. It is an addiction I do not wish to kick anytime soon.
A side note about any pictures that are not mine: I cite every single picture I use back to its source. Just hold your cursor over the picture and you will see "photo courtesy of . . ."