Thursday, June 16, 2011

Schizophrenic Computers & An almost book review!

So it's been awhile since I blogged, and I totally blame it on my lack of computer skills.  Internet Explorer (did I just name drop?  Oopsy.)  went all kinds of schizophrenic on me and even after consulting with several techy computer folks, nothing was resolved.  It was as if I suddenly switched over to {{shudder}}dial-up.  Never had dial-up?  Consider yourself lucky.  'Cause it ain't pretty.

 It was not until I had one of those ah-ha! moments that I decided to try out a different provider.  So I clicked on (another name drop) Google Chrome and, apparently, my problems were solved.  So.  Now.  Back to blogging.

I have read quite a few books since my last blog and I am up and ready for some reviewing.  I am not going to review today, however, I am going to recommend.  Why?  Because this book is too awesome for words.  I am hooked.  Four is my new literary husband.  Tris is my new literary BFF.  I have no shame admitting the nerd-ness of those last two comments. So, without any further droning:

Photo Courtesy of Goodreads

Get it.  Read it.  Love it.


  1. This book is being RAVED about everywhere - apparently there's already buzz about a movie deal.

    guess it needs to be moved to the top of the pile...


  2. I also heard the buzz about a movie deal! I had read reviews of the ARC and was like, "Ehhh . . . I'll get to it when I get through my other books." But as soon as I read the first few sentences, I could not stop reading. And when I did stop reading to sleep and then go to work the next morning, I was at work wondering what was going to happen. lol
