Sunday, April 10, 2011

Review: Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride

Sam LaCroix has no idea he is a necromancer. College dropout? Yes. Working at Plumpy’s to make ends meet? Yes. Champion potato hockey player? Not so much. When Sam sends a potato flying through the taillight of a classic Mercedes, the stranger who it belongs to seems to know more about Sam than he knows himself. Everything Sam has ever known is turned upside down, as a secret his mom has been sitting on begins to unravel.

The title, which is a play on Elton John’s “Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer”, should be the first indicator of the hilarity you will face in this book. Necromancers, witches, werewolves, talking heads, zombie pandas and . . . garden gnomes? This book has a surplus of supernatural beings that, although aren’t discussed in too much depth, add to the story’s overall feel.

I was a bit skeptical when I glanced through the book and saw the 1st and 3rd person shifts throughout, but Lish Mc Bride makes this work extremely well.

On Characters:

One of the things I lovedlovedloved about this book is the plethora of strong women characters! Brooke, Brid, Mrs. W . . . the list of non-whiney, intelligent, self-sufficient, hilarious female characters goes on. I have a total literary crush on Ramon, who, I think is going to play a bigger role in the sequel. Hohyeah! A sequel!

Douglas, our resident bad guy, is number one on the Ultimate Creeper Status list.

What I loved the most: Our main character, Sam, is normal (given the circumstances). Usually, I find that when the main character of a book written by a female is male, the character is usually too sensitive, too emotional, and really unlike a guy at all. This isn’t the case with Sam. He is a good a mixture of the kind of guy you want to be friends with. He’s not a jock or stoner or emo or any other label one can think of. He is just a guy trying to find himself and make his own way in life.

Would I recommend this?  Hohyeah! 

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